48 research outputs found

    Komparativna morfološka analiza roda Iris L., serije Pallidae (A. Kern.) Trinajstić (Iridaceae)

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    The qualitative morphological features of the Alpine-Dinaric and cultivated populations, as well as of the herbarium specimens of the genus Iris, series Pallidae, were investigated. The height of the plant, leaves, inflorescence, flowers (spathe, perigonium, androecium, gynoecium), fruits and seeds were analysed. It was established that the morphological features analysed did not show phenotypic plasticity. The following qualitative morphological features have possible diagnostic significance: intensity of the leaf vein, spathe colour, perigonium colour, and pollen and seed morphology. Of no diagnostic use are ratio of filament and anther lengths (individual variability), and size and form of the fruits (intrapopulation variability).Istražene su kvalitativne morfološke osobine alpsko-dinarskih i kultiviranih populacija, te herbariziranih primjeraka roda Iris, serije Pallidae. Analizirane su veličina biljaka, listovi, cvatovi, cvjetovi (spate, perigon, andrecej, ginecej), plodovi i sjemenke. Ustanovljeno je da istražene kvalitativne morfološke osobine nisu fenotipski plastične, a mogući dijagnostički značaj ima izraženost lisnog žilja, boja spate, boja perigona, te morfologija peluda i sjemenki. Dijagnostički neupotrebljive osobine su: odnos duljine filamenata i antera (individualna varijabilnost), te oblik i veličina tobolaca (intrapopulacijska varijabilnost)

    Prilog poznavanju vaskularne flore Nacionalnog parka »Krka«

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    In this paper we analyse the composition of vascular flora of the Krka National Park after the changes of its boundaries in 1997 and on the basis of published data and results of our field research. Along with 755 taxa previously registered within the new Park boundaries, 233 new taxa have been found, and total vascular flora now counts 988 taxa. The research is continuing.Na temelju ranije objavljenih podataka i rezultata našeg terenskog istraživanja u radu se analizira sastav vaskularne flore Nacionalnog Parka »Krka« nakon promjene granica 1997. godine. Uz 755 svojti koje su prethodno bile zabilježene za područje Parka u današnjim granicama, pronađene su još 233 svojte, pa ukupna vaskularna flora sada broji 988 svojti. Istraživanja se nastavljaju

    Prilog poznavanju biljne raznolikosti i nešumskih stanišnih tipova subalpskog pojasa Troglava i njegove okolice (masiv Dinare u širem smislu riječi)

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    Mt Troglav, the largest mountain of the Dinara massif, is located on the border area between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the highest peak Veliki Troglav on the Bosnian side. A short floristic observation of the non-forest habitats of the subalpine belt, with some vegetation remarks, was conducted during July, 2011. In total, 151 taxa from 48 families were recorded. The most abundant families are Poaceae (9,9%), Asteraceae (9,3%), Rosaceae (8,6%) and Fabaceae (7,9%). The most frequent life form is hemicryptophyta and the predominant chorological type is Euro-Asian. Eleven taxa are endemic. Five EU habitat types from Annex I of the Habitats Directive were analysed: 6170 Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands, 62A0 Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands (Scorzoneratalia villosae), 6230 *Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas (and submountain areas in Continental Europe), 4070 *Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum, 4060 Alpine and Boreal heaths. Also, some habitats that are not listed on the Habitats Directive, like the orders Atropetalia, Lamio albi-Chenopodietalia boni henrici and Adenostyletalia are shortly discussed. Those habitats on Mt Troglav are the result of human impact, which is today barely noticeable. Therefore, although the natural succession has been slow, seasonal grazing and mowing should be encouraged in those areas.U graničnom području između Republike Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine smjestio se Troglav, najveća i najviša planina središnjih Dinarida. Florističko istraživanje nešumskih staništa subalpinskog pojasa Troglava, s kratkim osvrtom na vegetaciju, provedeno je u srpnju 2011. g. Zabilježena je 151 svojta vaskularne flore razvrstana u 48 porodica. Značajnijim udjelom vrsta ističu se porodice: Poaceae (9,9%), Asteraceae (9,3%), Rosaceae (8,6%), i Fabaceae (7,6%). Analiza životnih oblika ukazuje na izrazitu dominaciju hemikriptofita, a fitogeografska analiza ukazuje na relativnu prevlast euroazijskog flornog elementa. Jedanaest je svojti endemično. U radu je analizirano pet stanišnih tipova s Dodatka I Direktive o zaštiti prirodnih staništa i divlje faune i flore: 6170 Planinski i pretplaninski vapnenački travnjaci, 62A0 Istočno submediteranski suhi travnjaci (Scorzoneretalia villosae), 6230 *Travnjaci tvrdače (Nardus) bogati vrstama, 4070 *Klekovina bora krivulja (Pinus mugo) s dlakavim pjenišnikom (Rhododendron hirsutum) i 4060 Planinske i borealne vrištine, ali i oni stanišni tipovi koji nisu uključeni u ekološku mrežu Europske unije Natura 2000, poput zajednica šumskih čistina (red Atropetalia), nitrofilna i skiofilna vegetacija (red Lamio albi-Chenopodietalia boni henrici) te pretplaninskih zajednica visokih zeleni (red Adenostyletalia). S obzirom da današnji izostanak ljudske djelatnosti na Troglavu omo-gućuje odvijanje prirodnih procesa sukcesije, bilo bi poželjno podržati ekstenzivno stočarenje u svrhu očuvanja biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti

    Karyological Analysis of some Populations of the Species Iris pallida, I, illyrica and I. pseudopallida (Iridaceae)

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    Izvršena je kariološka analiza nekih populacija taksona Iris pallida Lam., I. illyrica Tomm. i I. pseudopallida Trinajstić. U svim slučajevima dobiven je mitotski broj kromosoma 2n = 24. Ustanovljena je morfološka varijabilnost kariotipova između istraživanih vrsta, kao i između različitih populacija vrste I. illyrica.The karyotypes of some populations of the species Iris pallida Lam., I. illyrica Tomm. and I. pseudopallida Trinajstic (series Pallidae) were investigated. A studies of somatic chromosome morphology was made using root-tip squash technique and aceto-carmine stain, after pretreatment with p-dichlorbenzene. For all populations investigated mitotical number of chromosomes 2n = 24 has been established, which corresponds to previous studies of species from the series Pallidae (Simonet 1934, Mitra 1956, Lausi 1964, Mitic 1989). Morphometrical analysis has shown variations of karyotypes, which in I. illyrica species go down to population level. The differences among karyotypic appearances of the species under study were established, especially regarding the position of chromosomes with satélites within karyotypes. Also, the similarity of karyotypes in populations studied now with karyotypes of previously investigated populations (Mitra 1956, Lausi 1964) has been established

    Forensic potential of pollen grains: A case study from continental Croatia (town of Donja Stubica)

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    Background and Purpose: Pollen grains can come as “ invisible” traces during forensic palynological expertise. As forensic palynology is not carried out in Croatia at all, the main aims of our work were to establish an initial palynological collection for a limited area in Croatia and determine its forensic potential. Materials and Methods: For our case study, we chose a typical town from continental Croatia, Donja Stubica, in which there had been no previous floristic studies. The field survey was conducted during 2005, 2007, and 2021. Floristic and palynological analysis was carried out with an emphasis on the forensic potential of pollen grains. Results: A total of 141 representative plant taxa with pollen samples were collected. The taxonomic analysis showed that the area for the case study was chosen well. Palynological analysis showed that the highest number of taxa had pollen grains that were spheroidal in shape (60%), medium sized (70%), and colporate (41%). The pollen of the majority of taxa had excellent or very important forensic potential, due to their dispersal by insects (60%), a combination of two dispersal methods (23%), and autogamy (1%). In addition, due to the limited distribution of certain rare plants (e.g., Iris sibirica subsp. sibirica in Croatia), their pollen has an even greater forensic potential than the similar pollen of related, more widespread taxa. Conclusion: The generated palynological collection, due to the great forensic potential, could be used in the future as a comparative, and at least partly as a reference forensic collection, applicable in specific cases of legal pollen expertise in Croatia

    Prilog poznavanju vaskularne flore Nacionalnog parka »Krka«

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    In this paper we analyse the composition of vascular flora of the Krka National Park after the changes of its boundaries in 1997 and on the basis of published data and results of our field research. Along with 755 taxa previously registered within the new Park boundaries, 233 new taxa have been found, and total vascular flora now counts 988 taxa. The research is continuing.Na temelju ranije objavljenih podataka i rezultata našeg terenskog istraživanja u radu se analizira sastav vaskularne flore Nacionalnog Parka »Krka« nakon promjene granica 1997. godine. Uz 755 svojti koje su prethodno bile zabilježene za područje Parka u današnjim granicama, pronađene su još 233 svojte, pa ukupna vaskularna flora sada broji 988 svojti. Istraživanja se nastavljaju

    Urbana flora Zadra (Dalmacija, Hrvatska)

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    Zadar, one of the oldest towns in Croatia, is situated in North Dalmatia. A floristic survey performed between 2005 and 2008 included vascular native and non-native taxa with the ability to survive outside crops. A total of 926 vascular plant species and subspecies, from 470 genera and 107 families were recorded. The most common families are Asteraceae s.l. (12.42%), Poaceae (11.02%) and Fabaceae (9.83%), while therophytes (42.98%) are the most abundant life form. The predominant presentation of therophytes with respect to other life forms has been recognized as a feature common to both the Mediterranean climate and urban areas. The prevailing representation of Mediterranean plants in the flora of the city of Zadar (32.83%) demonstrates that this flora is, despite the exposure to durable anthropogenic influence, still developing under the prevailing influence of the Mediterranean climate conditions. A significant number of cultivated and adventitious taxa (19.22%) and widespread taxa (15.55%) in the flora of the city of Zadar is an indicator of human impact. Although the flora of the city of Zadar is an urban flora it comprises of 17 endemic, 27 threatened and 176 protected taxa.Grad Zadar je smješten u sjevernoj Dalmaciji i jedan je od najstarijih hrvatskih gradova. Istraživanjem flore provedenim od 2005. do 2008. godine obuhvaćene su domaće i strane svojte koje imaju sposobnost održavanja izvan uzgoja. Zabilježeno je ukupno 926 vrsta i podvrsta iz 470 rodova i 107 porodica. Najzastupljenije porodice su Asteraceae s. l. (12.42%), Poaceae (11.02%) i Fabaceae (9.83%), a najzastupljeniji životni oblik su terofiti (42.98%). Prevladavajuća zastupljenost terofita u odnosu na ostale životne oblike zajednička je osobina flora područja s mediteranskom klimom i urbanih područja. Najve}a zastupljenost mediteranskih biljaka u flori Zadra (32.83%) ukazuje da se njegova flora, unatoč izloženosti antropogenom djelovanju, ipak razvija pod prevladavajućim utjecajem mediteranske klime. Značajna zastupljenost kultiviranih i adventivnih svojti (19.22%) i svojti širokog rasprostranjenja (15.55%) u flori Zadra je pokazatelj utjecaja čovjeka. Iako je flora Zadra urbana flora, ona sadrži čak 17 endemičnih, 27 ugroženih i 176 zaštićenih svojti

    Flora ulaznih dijelova nekih jama i spilja Žumberka (Hrvatska)

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    This study presents results of floristic research into the entrances of seven speleological features of Žumberak, i.e. of three pits and four caves. One of them lies in Upper Triassic dolostones, three in Upper Cretaceous flysch and carbonate sediments, two in Badenian limestone and one in Quarternary travertine sediments. The flora was inventoried at the entrance areas and at different distances from the entrances into the speleological features. The recorded plants were analyzed both taxonomically and regarding the abundance in the type habitats (pit, cave). Furthermore, similarity between habitats (Sörensen index of similarity), ecological indicatory values and life forms were analyzed as well.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati florističkih istraživanja ulaznih prostora sedam speleoloških pojava na prostoru Žumberka (tri jame i četiri spilje) od kojih je jedna u gornjotrijaskim dolomitima, tri u gornjokrednim fliškim i karbonatnim naslagama, dvije u badenskim vapnencima i jedna u kvartarnim sedrenim sedimentima. Inventarizirana je flora na prostorima oko ulaza, te na različitim udaljenostima od ulaza. Zabilježene biljke podvrgnute su: taksonomskoj analizi, analizi zastupljenosti prema tipu staništa (jama, spilja), sličnosti izme|u staništa (Sörensenov koeficijent sličnosti), te analizi ekoloških indikatorskih vrijednosti i životnih oblika

    Fenetski odnosi populacija Iris illyrica, I. pallida i I. pseudopallida (Iridaceae) s obzirom na morfološke karakteristike epiderme

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    The relationships within populations of Iris illyrica Tomm., I. pallida Lam. and I. pseudopallida Trinajstic, with regard to six morphological characteristics of the epidermis, by using cluster and PCA analysis, were established. The three species are mutually clearly separated, which confirms the otherwise controversial taxonomic rank of I. pseudopallida. The relative clarity is disturbed by undefined phenotypic plasticity of the registered characters, i. e. the possibility of their ecological conditions.Iris illyrica Tomm. i I. pallida Lam. svrstane su u seriju Elatae, odnosno u seriju Pallidae s 1. cengialti Ambrosi i novoopisanom vrstom I. pseudopallida Trinajstic. Ta se svojta teško razlikuje od I. pallida, pa je mnogi autori ne smatraju posebnom vrstom. U svrhu jasnijeg definiranja međusobnih odnosa populacija vrsta I. illyrica, I. pallida i I. pseudo- pallida provedena je morfometrija nekih epidermalnih karakteristika listova. Rezultati mjerenja, obavljeni na statistički validnom uzorku, obrađeni su Kruskal-Wallisovim testom, klasternom analizom i PCA (Principal component analizom). Među populacijama ustanovljene su signifikantne razlike za sve varijable. Rezultati PCA i klasterne analize nesumnjivo pokazuju postojanje populacije, predstavnika sporne vrste 1. pseudopallida kao odvojene grupe biljaka unutar kompleksa 1. pallida. Kumulativna varijabilnost od 89,69% obuhvaćena je s prve tri od pet izračunanih PC osi. Širina pući i broj stanica epiderme pridonose u najvećoj mjeri varijabilnosti vezanoj uz PC 1, a dužina i širina stanica epiderme pridonose najviše varijabilnosti vezanoj uz PC 2. Dijagnostičku upotrebljivost ovih rezultata otežava zasad nepoznata fenotipska plastičnost korištenih epidermalnih svojstav

    Anatomija lista vrste Iris croatica I. et M. Horvat (Iridaceae)

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    The leaf anatomy of the stenoendemic Croatian species I. croatica I. et M. Horvat is described. Two separate populations were analyzed and stability of investigated leaf anatomical characteristics (especially of taxonomicaly interesting features - shape and constitution of leaf margin and form of schlerenchymatous cap at phloem pole) was established. In comparation with related species I. germanica L., these features show significant differences.U radu je provedena anatomsko-morfološka analiza lista hrvatske steno- endemične perunike Iris croatica I. et. M. Horvat, kojoj neki autori osporavaju status vrste. Istraživane su dvije odvojene populacije i ustanovljeno je da obje pokazuju istovjetne anatomske osobine lista. Neke od tih osobina značajne su za cijeli rod Iris - izgled i građa epiderme i mezofila, udubljene anomocitne puci, prisutnost papila i stiloida. Međutim, posebno taksonomsko značenje za pojedine vrste imaju oblik i građa lisnog ruba, oblik rubnog sklerenhima i oblik sklerenhimske »kape« iznad floemskog pola žila, što je potvrđeno i za vrstu I. croatica. Naime, ovim je radom ustanovljeno da se hrvatska perunika I. croatica i srodna vrsta I. germanica, u pogledu navedenih parametara znatno razlikuju